Morgan Schatz Blackrose Schatz Blackrose International Storytelling International Storytelling


Why choose a Storytelling-Based Arts Residency?

Morgan and her husband, visual artist Roman Schatz, offer storytelling-based arts residencies to schools and communities. These include individual and collaborative creations, concerts and exhibitions, tailored to your curriculum requirements. The contention that Art and Storytelling are global languages lies at the heart of their storytelling based arts programmes. As such, these ‘languages’ can be expressed and understood by students of all cultures, abilities and ages.

Nurturing children as storytellers addresses three key areas of their educational development; oral, cultural and language literacy. Respectively it assists in the development of their receptive and expressive language skills, provides a credible basis for their understanding of folklore, cultural traditions and social values, as well as offering a sound foundation for their pursuit of, and their competency, in reading and writing.

When storytelling is partnered with art and music, students develop additional communication skills and cultural awareness, as well as visual and information literacy, and an understanding of art and music history, mathematics and philosophy. As well as academic outcomes, storytelling based arts programmes offer a universal and inclusive pedagogy. They challenge prejudices, celebrate diversity and promote tolerance and resilience in the participants. Please visit our gallery to see examples of student work.

Tours 2016

International and Bilingual School and Preschool programmes
are individually tailored to your learning outcomes.


Swiss Storytelling Switzerland 2017 download pdf
Europe Storytelling Europe 2017 download pdf


To book performances, workshops or residencies
please email us or use our online form. For more information on storytelling-based arts residencies, please download this brochure.

‘Morgan and Roman’s storytelling and art residency culminated in a family concert and our first Abstract Art Exhibition. It was a resounding success!
We have now incorporated them into our curriculum
and look forward to further residencies with them.’

Hugh Dyson Head Teacher,
Hyundai Foreign School South Korea




Storytelling entertains, enlightens and educates
Storytelling stimulates the imagination
Storytelling develops speech and language ability
Storytelling celebrates humanity
Storytelling teaches about the world and its cultures
Storytelling expands the vocabulary
Storytelling challenges prejudices
Storytelling creates a safe learning environment
Storytelling promotes resilience
Storytelling nourishes the mind, body and soul
Storytelling fosters tolerance and understanding
Storytelling nurtures intellectual growth
Storytelling values stories and storytellers

From Mouthmovers by Morgan Schatz Blackrose 2010


International storytelling Morgan Schatz Blackrose


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